Hermes 2O12-2O13 EHS REPORT - page 15

2012-2013 EHS REPORT
Water-saving programs and performance during 2012~2013
Water consumption analysis in 2012~2013
Compared water consumption of the previous period (2010-11) and the current
period (2012-2013), consumption at the HSP Plant increased from 46,153m3 in 2010-
11 to 63,728m3 in 2012-2013 by about 27%.
Consumption at the STSP Plant increased from 30,529m3 in 2010-11 to 52,883m3 in
2012-2013 by about 42%. Water consumption increased in both plants due to staffing
expansion, the establishment of the R&D Department, and the increasing process
capability. Water-saving technologies and measures will be promoted continuously in
the future to ensure reasonable water consumption.
Water Resources Management
Given rainfall differs significantly between the dry and wet seasons and water resource
storage is difficult in Taiwan; industries will need to prepare for severe water shortages
when there is inadequate rainfall. Therefore, we have been promoting various water
saving measures to reduce tap water demand by recycling water resources and by
maximizing the efficiency of limited water resources.
Our water-saving programs and emission reduction effectiveness during 2012-13 are
as follows:
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