2012-2013 EHS REPORT
Energy Saving and Management
At Hermes Epitek, we aggressively evaluate and introduce viable energy-saving
technologies. Besides launching plant facility energy-saving programs, we have
extended energy saving to offices and public areas. Combined with green growth
promotion activities, we elevate energy-saving awareness and foster energy-saving
habits in employees.
Our energy-saving programs and emission reduction effectiveness during 2012-13
are as follows:
Energy-saving programs and performance in 2012-2013
Electricity consumption analysis in 2012-2013
Compared electricity consumption over 2010 to 2013, consumption at the HSP Plant
increased from 104.38 GWh in 2010-11 to 130.14 GWh in 2012-2013 by about 19%.
Consumption at the STSP Plant increased from 112.95GWh in 2010-11 to 185.41GWh
in 2012-2013 by about 39%. Electricity consumption increased in both plants due to
the establishment of the R&D Department and increasing process capability. Energy-
saving technologies will be reviewed continuously in the future to ensure reasonable
electricity consumption.