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Professional service provider for semiconductor equipment assembly and parts manufacturing
We actively meet our clients’ wide range of needs, utilizing production time and quality control to quickly proceed to the product mass production stage.

Hsinchu, Taiwan
Hsinchu Science Park
- Zhanye: 2,400 m2
Product: Si-Parts (Cell, Focus Ring)
- PDC: 994 m2
Product: MOCVD
- Hukou: 2048 m2
Product: Si-Ingot

Tainan, Taiwan
Tainan Science Park
Mfg. space
Fab 1:3,900 m2
Fab 2:4,900 m2
Module assembly. System Integration. Function test
Hefei, China
Hefei Airport Economic Zone
Mfg. space
Fab 1 : 2,600 m2
Si-Parts (CEL, Focus Ring)
Shenyang, China
Shenyang Economy and Technology Development Zone
Mfg. space
Fab 1 : 24,530 m2
Quartz and Repair Service
(Process tube, Boat, Pedestal base, Injectors)